The HSE has recommended businesses to include preparing for high heat in their long-term planning following July's record-breaking heatwave, which saw temperatures rise to more than 40°C.
Businesses need to take this recent weather event as the prompt to review how they assess the risk of high temperatures in their workplace and identify now those changes that will future proof them. This, in turn, will help employers future-proof their organisations in light of the likelihood that such weather may persist so that they aren't caught off guard each time the temperature soars.
Employers should make sure there are sufficient measures in place to ensure staff members are safe and comfortable; for example, by conducting thorough fire risk assesments, introducing fans and air conditioning, offering easy access to hydration, and implimenting adequate safety measures in the case of a fire breakout.
Heat waves and hot temperatures have a direct correlation with an increase in fires. Every industry must do routine fire risk assessments, but extreme heat poses special fire dangers that should be taken into account.
By doing Fire Risk Assessments in accordance with the PAS79 standard, Browns Safety Services enables you to fulfil your legal and insurance responsibilities. By swiftly bringing you up to code through employee training, or the procurement of equipment, our crucial business partners enable us to promptly meet all of your needs to guarantee that your premises are secure.
Contact Browns Health & Safety Consultants for expert advice and arrange a consultation.