Our team of consultants at Browns Safety have developed a multidimensional strategy to recognise an organisation's requirement to upskill high-performing individuals in order for them to successfully lead a team using the SKATE concept (Skills, Knowledge, Attitude, Training & Experience).
Many companies reward their top performers with promotions to Supervisor roles. In most cases, they will receive off-the-shelf training that will provide them with a basic awareness of their legal obligations but will not necessarily enhance their soft skills, setting them up to fail to manage people well.
Initially, your organisation's nominated leaders will be trained in a three-day interactive workshop on how to be a leader, including their legal responsibilities as well as actively participating in exercises to better understand how to deal with people. The TRAINING aspect of competency is covered here.
Then, over the course of 9-12 months, they will collect evidence through receiving exposure to various elements of your company's organisation, allowing them to build a holistic understanding of the firm while also meeting the program's criteria.
Our consultants will return to conduct an assessment day when the learning outcomes have been met and evidence has been obtained. This involves a written evaluation as well as a practical and theoretical examination using role play in a variety of circumstances. This will allow them to exhibit their abilities, knowledge, and attitude in relation to being a team supervisor, but more significantly, a leader with the tools necessary to flourish in your organisation.